Praise for the Corcket Player of the Local County League of Durham and `Lovely Guy ” on the beginnings of the test match

Praise for the Corcket Player of the Local County League of Durham and `Lovely Guy ” on the beginnings of the test match

Kashif Ali avec son premier plafond de test, son encart et sa photo, la rangée arrière, troisième de la droite, avec Willington Cricket Club <i> (Image: Dean Midas) </i>“bad-src =”–/yxbwawq9aglnagxhbmrlcjt3ptk2mdtopty0ma–/ /E756CCFS6737EAFCE324C9AFEC57CED5 “SRC = “–/ CFF6737EAFCE324C9AFEC57CED5 “/><button class=

Kashif Ali with his first test ceiling, box and photo, third row, third of the right, with Willington Cricket Club (Image: Dean Midas)

A Durham County cricket coach welcomed the talent of a professional abroad in a local league cricket club which had an impact at the highest level of the match.

The fast launcher Kashif Ali made his debut in the test match for Pakistan – and took a counter on the first day on weekends.

The 26 -year -old spent last summer with Willington Cricket Club of the North East Premier League team (NEPL), taking a counters for having fun.

During his stay with the Durham County team, he took 31 counters in 13 games, including figures out of competition of 5/44 in a match.

Saturday, January 25, Ali, who also plays for the County Worcestershire championship, was selected to make his debut in testing for Pakistan against the Antilles, taking a counter during his beginnings.

Kashif Ali with his first test ceiling (Image: Kashif Ali)

Willington Cricket Club Cricket Director Karl Brown, who had an influence to bring Kashif to the club, said: “When I looked at Kashif Bowl for the first time, I immediately knew he had an exceptional talent.

“He has exercised his duties at the club with great professionalism and enthusiasm.

“An adorable guy with a beautiful family. He deserves this opportunity at the highest level and everyone at the Willington Cricket Club, we send our congratulations and the best wishes. ”

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Willington Cricket Club is a community club with three senior teams in the North East Premier League, a flourishing junior section and a growing female section.

Kashif Ali, rear row, third of the right, with Willington Cricket Club. (Image: Dean Midas)

In 2021, John Coe and David Dixon of Willington were named the arrogant of the year during the NEPL Awards presentation evening.

The land is largely considered to be one of the best in the region.


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